The first version of the plattform was developed 2008, backed by funding from Framtidens kultur. One of the ideas with was to investigate whether a niche plattform for visual artist, potentially could change the structures within the art worlds peer mediation ideals and selection mechanisms. Years went on and many projects and debates around the scenes power structures are still relevant and challenging. By time I realized wasn’t that kind art project any more. But I still enjoyed coding stuff and providing an easy-to-use solution for colleagues to build websites. had to grow and I had to figure out how to make this into a reliable service. That said, I teamed up with Fredrik Fermelin to run the daily activities of the web services.
Magnus Liistamo
Working as artist and also having a background as an IT-support towards networks and Apple´s hardware and software, I have a keen interest in internet as a medium and tool for artists, which in my viewpoint more important than ever. Whereas a good presentation is more valid than a poorly made one, to communicate easy and freely is the key to successfully having it your way. Since Magnus Liistamo presented his (hi)story, ideas and functions of platform I saw an urgency in the platform now and for future expansion. One simple idea can unfold…
Fredrik Fermelin